3 Renewal Strategies for the rest of 2021

Can you believe that it’s the end of the third quarter of 2021? That means that there are basically only three months left in this year. I want you to continue to reflect on how you will renew yourself for the remainder of the year. 

I want to leave you with three strategies that might help you renew yourself and claim the wealth that you want in life. 

  1. Saying “No” is a perfectly good answer. Your time and resources are valuable assets. As such, what you do with these precious assets should make you feel incredibly good. Saying “no” to opportunities, investments, or people can produce a great sense of renewal. You may have read about Intuit’s purchase of Mailchimp for $12 billion dollars earlier this month. Well, Mailchimps founders said “no” to outside investment dollars because investors did not understand their product or service in the early stages, as described in an impassioned way by CEO Ken Chestnut. Now, Ken Chestnut is smiling all the way to the bank for their choice of saying “no,” because they will profit enormously from the transaction from owning more of the equity. When faced with opportunities, make sure you believe in the power of no as much as you believe in the power of yes. 

  2. Pivot the strategy. Your beginning strategy may not be your ending strategy, and thus it’s important to exercise some flexibility with your plans. With flexibility comes renewed energy. For instance, you may have started the year believing that you wanted to buy a home or invest in a new real estate property. Earlier this year, homes were selling at record prices and in a record number of days, and you may have been discouraged by the frenzy. You may also be keeping close tabs on the housing market so that you are prepared to seize on an opportunity. I still think you should ask yourself: a) Is my initial strategy still relevant given the market conditions, b) what’s stayed the same or changed in my circumstances that makes me think differently about my strategy, c) will I be able to fulfill my goals with a more effective or efficient strategy? For instance, back to the housing example, perhaps you invest in REITs, which some predict will continue their strong performance as we move forward.  Check out these top 10 REITs from Kiplinger

  3. Trust your inner compass.  You know you better than anyone else. So, part of being renewed is recognizing what you need to take in joy. I recently watched Respect (Trailer here if you haven’t seen it yet), in which Jennifer Hudson remarkably plays Aretha Franklin, and the movie does a great job displaying Aretha’s ability to trust her inner compass as she developed her artistic talents. Aretha wanted to record a gospel album even though her producers shunned the idea in the beginning. Aretha needed to record that album for her own freedom and joy, and for God, and so she did. The album, Amazing Grace, became the best selling album of her career.  I truly believe that Aretha reaped such positive results from the album because she was in touch with her inner compass. You can feel Aretha’s authenticity in the album. What is your inner compass telling you right now? Will you trust it with your next season? 

Armed with these three renewal strategies, I hope that you take some time to think about what you want to do as well as how you want to feel in the next few months! 

A Wealthy Girl Corner

In the spirit of renewal, I draw my inspiration this month from Bisa Butler. Don’t know Bisa? You can read more about her and see her work on her website.  Bisa is the epitome of a wealthy girl, especially when she says “In my work I am telling the story— The African American side— of this American life. History is the story of men and women but the narrative is controlled by those who hold the pen.” Bisa understands that wealth comes from the personal power and peace that comes from owning who you are. For years, Bisa has been “Working her craft,” one of the 7 steps to getting prosperity, peace, and personal power. I saw Bisa’s AMAZING work at the Art Institute of Chicago, and I hope you become inspired too and work your craft!