Strategies for Building Wealth in Springtime

Happy Spring to you! Do you feel renewed and ready for this next season? Since we are still in Women’s history month, I encourage you to read the poem Spring by Christina Rossetti. This particular stanza stands out to me as I think about new beginnings and being guided by a power higher than myself:  

There is no time like Spring, 

When life’s alive in everything, 

Before new nestlings sing, 

Before cleft swallows speed their journey back 

Along the trackless track – 

God guides their wing, 

He spreads their table that they nothing lack, – 

Before the daisy grows a common flower 

Before the sun has power 

To scorch the world up in his noontide hour.

Since I want you to focus on ‘cleaning house’ and getting renewed, I want to share the full recording of the wealth talk I did with “Let’s Talk America Radio” host Shana Thorton, a phenomenal woman making her own history through a refreshing, top-rated podcast that highlights trending news stories and topics! We spent 45 minutes together talking about everything from real estate to teaching your kids about money, but here are the 3 takeaways I want you to focus on as you get ready for this new season: 

  1. You are never too old to get the wealth you deserve. Past mistakes or fear of failure often prevents us from seeking new opportunities in the future, but you have the power (regardless of your age) to acknowledge your mistakes and move on. 

  2. Wealth is about mindset. I will continue to beat my drum on this one. A wealthy mindset is a key to changing how you behave, establishing a vision for what you want to achieve, and then surrounding yourself with the strategies and tools to go get your wealth.  

  3. Buying cryptocurrency is more art than science. Start small and limit your exposure until you understand how you are going to make money and how much you are willing to lose over the long term. Crypto will be here for the long-term, and how will you participate (or not)? 

A Wealthy Girl Corner

I’m calling all wealthy girls looking to do any of the following as you strive to make your own history:

✔  You want to get out of your own way 

✔ You want to gain more courage and confidence

✔ You want to stop dreaming about your goals and are ready to reach them

✔  You enjoy being inspired by others 

I know you have big goals and I want you to be inspired. Wealthy girl Nicole Johnson-Scales, CEO of Design Your Professional Joy,  is hosting a roundtable conversation with three women who bet on themselves and won. Register here to join the conversation on Wednesday, MARCH 30th 11am (CST) / 12pm (EST). 

Feel free to join us as I will be there too. Have a wonderful week!