3 Hacks to Capitalize on the Year of Simplicity

I want to remind you that it is the year of simplicity. That’s right, at the beginning of 2022, I urged you to embrace a holistic definition of simplicity: “the state of being easy to understand or do, uncomplicated or uncompounded, freedom from intricacy or complexity, and the absence of elegance, embellishment, luxury; plainness.” If you want to review what the year of simplicity fully entails, check out my ‘Year of Simplicity’ blog from January. 

Well, it’s already August and so I’m checking in to see how you’re coming along with your simplicity journey. The best example I have for my simplicity journey is right at home. As you know by now, I moved to Charlotte in June and it afforded me the opportunity to create a new, simple space for living. Now, I had some help because I hired an interior designer who made my life easier. Even if your simplicity journey does not show up on the homefront - albeit simplicity in your finances, your eating habits, or your professional pursuits - these steps will help you stay focused on achieving: 

  1. Get an assist. You just might need a little bit of help, and there’s no shame in it. In fact, getting assistance simplifies your life. Whatever you need help with, get a few recommendations from friends or a trusted source, price shop if your assistance is going to cost you some money and stick within your budget, and find the match that best suits you. In my case, my interior designer was in my price range and had a calmness about her that made me feel confident that she’d take away the stress of the design process. I thought about paying for the assistance as an investment in my well-being. 

  2. Create your vision. Once you have someone to assist you, he or she will most likely ask about your vision for the task at hand, albeit your financial future or a weight goal. It’s critically important that you take ownership of this vision. Remember, you’re the CEO of your Wealth!  You can get inspiration from what’s around you, but the best source of inspiration comes from the inside. Deep down, you know what you want and you just need to articulate it outwardly. When it came to the design for our house, here’s what I emailed our designer from the beginning: “we are very interested in creating peaceful, fun, warm, and energizing living spaces throughout the home. At the same time, we want it to feel open and uncluttered throughout.” You don’t need your vision to be a novel - keep it simple and move forward! 

  3. Execute before the energy wanes. It can be deflating to get assistance, create a vision, and then not execute. I’ve been there, and it’s incredibly frustrating to get sidetracked, lose energy, and ultimately, fall short of achieving the goal. When pursuing a life of simplicity, do yourself a favor and ‘keep it simple’ by achieving one milestone at a time. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by all there is to do and it becomes hard to do anything. In creating my simple living space, I gave myself mini-deadlines to finish the goal. You can do the same thing!     

A Wealthy Girl Corner

This week, I’m drawing inspiration from my dining room space, which is the product of taking action on my year of simplicity. I had great assistance from an interior designer (shout out to entrepreneur Lindsey Hayes for her creativity), created a vision for our space, and executed managing the process sooner than later. You can do the same thing in whatever way you are living out this year of simplicity for yourself. I hope you take advantage because this year is far from over! You’ll thank me later.